The Office of the Chaplain United States House of Representatives

Opening Prayer

Imam Abdullah Antepli

God of all Nations,

Look with favor upon this esteemed Congress. Guide these important decision makers with your Divine Light. Be their source of strength and comfort. Enable them to serve you and glorify Your name by serving the citizens of this great nation and to the entire humanity, regardless of their gender, ethnicity or religion.

Make them Your instruments to deliver Your divine Mercy and Compassion. Bless them with openness and humility. Fill their hearts and minds with passion and determination to improve the quality of the life of their fellow human beings. Grant them success in their efforts to wipe out poverty, ignorance, and racism and hate in this country and beyond.

Make these women and men, peacemakers, healers and bridge builders, so urgently needed in our wounded and broken times. Give them the strength that they need to keep what needs to be kept. Give them the courage that they need to change what needs to be changed. Give them the wisdom they need to distinguish the one from the other.

Oh God
If we forget You.
Do not forget us.