Opening Prayer
Rabbi Frederick L. Klein
Oh God who knows the hidden chambers of the human heart.
Last week Jews worldwide prayed during Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish new year.
Just as Jews prayed for renewed clarity, purpose, and conviction, I ask you, all discerning God, to awaken within all our hearts the spirit of renewal
When our eyes have been dimmed; when our feet have led us down the wrong path; when our necks have been stiffened; when our ears are closed; Call to us oh Lord!
Open our eyes to see the suffering and needs of others. Lead our feet down the path of righteousness. Cause our necks to be flexible in order to change course when necessary. Unblock our ears to hear the perspectives and opinions of others. But most importantly, open our hearts, and remind us of our loftiest visions for ourselves, and for our great country.
May we be stirred by the words of the psalmist: "who may ascend the hill of the lord, and who may stand in his holy place? He who has clean hands and a pure heart...." May the hill that we stand on today be blessed with these great ideals, and may God bless the holy work you do.