God of power and might, You are our rock, the place of our protection, the source of our salvation. In You do we seek strength, a strength You so freely offer us in our need.
When we are weak, it is Your might that upholds us. When we are afraid, it is in Your refuge we find comfort. When we are exposed to danger, it is in Your shelter we find safety.
God, Your way is perfect. Your Word is flawless. Shield then all who take refuge in You. For who is God but You, O Lord? Who is our rock except You, O God?
On this day, arm us with strength to do the work You put before us. Keep us upright in Your might when we can't find it within ourselves to keep going. Comfort us in Your refuge when fear overwhelms us. Hold us safe in the shelter of Your loving arms when harm threatens us. And keep our way secure as we strive to serve You where You have called us.
With the power of Your name, we pray. Amen.
See thy wretched helpless state and learn to know thyself. Learn to know thy best support. Despise thyself and adore thy God. How sweet, how unutterably sweet were now, the voice of an approving conscience; Then couldst thou say, hence ye idle alarms, why do I shrink? What have I to fear? A pleasing calm suspense! A short repose from calamity to end in eternal bliss? Let the Earth rend. Let the planets forsake their course. Let the Sun be extinguished and the Heavens burst asunder. Yet what have I to dread? My staff can never be broken – in Omnipotence I trusted. . He who gave the winds to blow, and the lightnings to rage – even him have I always loved and served. His precepts have I observed. His commandments have I obeyed – and his perfections have I adored.
—Alexander Hamilton
The Interfaith Staff Prayer Room is open for congressional staff to use for personal prayer and meditation. For questions – email StaffPrayerRoom@mail.house.gov