Heavenly Father, creator, and sustainer of all things, thank You for Your hand of blessing on the United States of America. Thank You for guiding and protecting the land of the free and the home of the brave.
I humbly ask You to pour out Your peace, mercy, and grace on our country. I pray that You would grant lawmakers in this assembly, the integrity of Joseph, the strength of Joshua, the faithfulness of Moses, the courage of King David, the wisdom of Solomon, the determination of Nehemiah, the endurance of Job, and the obedience of Jesus Christ as they face the challenges of our country.
Empower them to work efficiently for the justice of all people. Sustain them, encourage them, protect them, provide for them, guide them, and bless them as they work together in the service to our country.
In the name of Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior, Amen.
The prayers of private suffering, whether in our homes or in great [cathedrals], are known and heard, and understood. There are prayers that help us last through the day or endure the night. There are prayers of friends and strangers that give us strength for the journey. And there are prayers that yield our will to a will greater than our own.
—President George W. Bush (written by Michael Gerson)
The Interfaith Staff Prayer Room is open for congressional staff to use for personal prayer and meditation. For questions – email StaffPrayerRoom@mail.house.gov