The Office of the Chaplain United States House of Representatives

Opening Prayer

Reverend Andy Walton

God of time and space, known by many names and sought through many traditions, another calendar draws to a close, yet we are reminded of your Eternal Presence.

As this representative body convenes, we remember that your Justice, your Love, your Grace and your Presence transcend the measure of time and place. You fill these chambers and the hearts and minds of those who work here, as well as the hopes of the countless people each one represents. Beyond this moment and this place your Spirit bonds all creation in a tapestry of interdependence, transcending vested interests and personal privilege.

Standing on the threshold of a new year may we forgive the discord, mistrust and disappointment of our past as you have forgiven, and may we receive your grace–filled future of promise and potential that awaits nothing more or less than our open minds, our loving hearts, and our open arms stretched out to one another and thus to you.
