The Office of the Chaplain United States House of Representatives

Opening Prayer

Reverend Daniel P. Coughlin

Lord God and Father of us all,
Divine Providence has led this nation in the past
and guides all human affairs to this very day.
As a nation, we are in need of wisdom to make right decisions, perseverance to build upon the hopes of Your people, and patience, because the times bear an urgency.

So, today the American people join Congress, as we call upon Your Holy Name and pray in silence for Joseph Biden to be Vice President and on behalf of Your servant Barack Obama, our incoming 44th President of the United States of America.
(a pause for silent prayer)

May Your Holy Spirit descend upon him that he may see things as You see things. May he be strengthened by his work, and grow in understanding as he proves ever–attentive to the people.

May he respond to the nation’s deepest needs
and lift us to higher standards of equal justice, true goodness and peaceful union. Grant him health and protection, sincere collaboration and renewed faith.

May the people of this nation and people around the world, stand with him to face any challenge, endure any difficulty without fear, learn how to accept every success and every failure with grace; and support him with encouragement and prayer, now and forever. Amen