The Office of the Chaplain United States House of Representatives

Reverend Sylvia Sumter

Unity Church of Washington
Washington, DC

Sponsor: Rep. Rep. Juanita Millender-McDonald, (D-CA)
Date of Prayer: 03/20/2002

One Minute Speech Given in Recognition of the Guest Chaplain:

Ms. MILLENDER–MCDONALD. Mr. Speaker, please join me in welcoming the Reverend Sylvia Sumter , the Senior Minister at Unity Church here in Washington, D.C., and today's guest Chaplain.

It is most fitting that in this month dedicated to recognizing the many accomplishments of women, this Chamber is blessed by the words of a truly inspirational woman. Entering into a nontraditional vocation, Reverend Sumter has excelled, and has become a role model for women everywhere who wish to assume pastoral duties.

Prior to coming to Washington, D.C., Reverend Sumter served as the Chairperson of Communication Studies and Skills for the Unity School of Religious Studies in Unity, Missouri. Reverend Sumter has traveled around the country conducting workshops and seminars, as well as serving as guest speaker at churches, institutions of higher learning, and professional and business organizations, as she held her constant commitment preaching her faith in God, and empowering her gender.

Mr. Speaker, I would like to take this opportunity to thank Reverend Sumter for all of her accomplishments in her field, and to thank women throughout the world for those agendas and vocations they espouse to advance the status of women every day.

Opening Prayer Given by the Guest Chaplain:

Oh Heavenly and most gracious Creator, God, we acknowledge Your Presence and blessed Spirit. You alone are Omnipotent, full of Truth, Love and Mercy; and we are a nation under Your Righteousness and Justice. As we seek Your countenance, let the light of Your infinite Wisdom be the guiding force for the Members of this Congress and the work of the United States House of Representatives. Grant that they may endeavor to do Your will for the absolute Goodness and Blessing of this great land.

May each one work from the place that is the highest and best within them, for the good of all in our nation, and may they be abundantly blessed in so doing. May the Light of God surround them; May the Love of God enfold them; May the Power of God protect them, and May the Presence of God watch over them, for wherever Your are, all is well.


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