The Office of the Chaplain United States House of Representatives

Chaplain Mark Campbell

Office of the Deputy Secretary of Defense
Washington, DC

Sponsor: Rep. Don Young, (R-AK)
Date of Prayer: 07/23/2009

One Minute Speech Given in Recognition of the Guest Chaplain:

Mr. YOUNG of Alaska. Today, it is my great privilege to welcome Rev. Mark Campbell to the House of Representatives. Rev. Campbell and his wife, Shelley, are active duty in the United States Air Force, ministering to our brave men and women in uniform.

Rev. Campbell is currently the chaplain for the Office of the Secretary of Defense, Office of Military Community and Family Policy. He works as a consultant on religious affairs, reviews policy guidance, and facilitates support for chaplain and family support assistance programs at the State level.

Prior to serving as a chaplain in the Air Force, Rev. Campbell pastored the College Gate Baptist Church in Anchorage, Alaska. Since entering the active duty Air Force, Rev. Campbell has served at bases around the world. He is a shining example for those of us instructed to "go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation."

I thank Rev. Campbell for his prayers today and being here today to lead the invocation.

Opening Prayer Given by the Guest Chaplain:

Almighty God, enlighten our eyes that we may see clearly
Your purposes for our great country, and grant Your wisdom to these dedicated leaders. Provide the ability to discern the best from the good, the workable from the unhandy, the useful from the frivolous. "Make us to choose the harder right over the easier wrong."

I ask this day for Your energy and benediction on the work of this body, on the decisions to be made, and in the agreements to be struck.

Protect our troops today, and change the hearts of those who wish ill against our nation.

I also ask Your divine blessing on each House member, their families, and their staffs.

With gratitude to You, most high God, I pray in the name of my Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, AMEN!

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