The Office of the Chaplain United States House of Representatives

Reverend Kent Williams

Sunnybrook Christian Church
Stillwater, OK

Sponsor: Rep. Rep. Wes Watkins, (R-OK)
Date of Prayer: 06/12/2002

One Minute Speech Given in Recognition of the Guest Chaplain:

Mr. WATKINS of Oklahoma. Mr. Speaker, I have the great pleasure of welcoming our guest chaplain in the House of Representatives today, Pastor Kent Williams . I thank him for the most appropriate and inspiring prayer he has offered up on our behalf as we seek divine guidance for the task that lies before us today.

Pastor Williams graduated with a degree in theology from Ozark Christian College in Joplin, Missouri. For 25 years he has been serving as pastor in churches in Missouri, Oregon, Texas, and Oklahoma.

Pastor Williams now serves as senior pastor at Sunnybrook Christian Church in Stillwater, Oklahoma, my hometown. He provides ministerial support to Oklahoma State University's personnel and athletic programs and to most of my family. He is also a board member of Marriage Partners, an organization that strives to reduce the divorce rate and strengthen marriages and families in Oklahoma.

Pastor Williams has served as Chaplain of the Week at the Oklahoma State House of Representatives and has been a featured writer for national publications. He has been a keynote speaker and seminar leader for many Christian colleges and conventions, both nationally and throughout the great State of Oklahoma. He has worked across denominational lines to promote unity amidst diversity.

Pastor Williams and his wife, Kay, have two sons, Gabe and Joel. Also with them on the trip to Washington has been their nephew, Clinton Renken.

Pastor Williams is deeply committed to the service of his community, his church, his family and the Lord. Today I join with my colleagues in thanking Pastor Williams for honoring us with his presence, his message, and his prayers.

Opening Prayer Given by the Guest Chaplain:

Sovereign God, I thank you for this great country, for President Bush, and for these Members of Congress who are dedicated public servants divinely appointed by you. Lord,
build a spiritual wall of protection around all of our leaders, our armed forces, and our citizens. "Contend with those who contend with us." You are faithful from everlasting to everlasting.

We seek your guidance and wisdom as we strive to discern and accomplish your plan and purpose. We commit ourselves to upholding your absolute law, standards and precepts. Give us strength and courage, both in policy and personal example, to be people of character and integrity, and may "In God We Trust" be expressed in our lives, not just stamped on our coins. Continue to work in us and through us, that we would be people with pure hearts and clean hands.

As Abraham Lincoln anticipated, "that this nation under God shall have a new birth of freedom", may we acknowledge that freedom comes from great sacrifice, just as spiritual freedom
and new birth come from the blood of Your Son shed at Calvary. In His Name we pray, Amen.

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