The Office of the Chaplain United States House of Representatives

Reverend Charles C. Hobbs

First Baptist Church
Rogersville, TN

Sponsor: Rep. Rep. William (Bill) Jenkins, (R-TN)
Date of Prayer: 06/12/2001

One Minute Speech Given in Recognition of the Guest Chaplain:

Mr. JENKINS. Mr. Speaker, I would like to welcome our chaplain for the day and thank him for coming.

Mr. Speaker, the Reverend Charles Hobbs , who is our chaplain for the day, over a long period of time as a teacher at Carson–Newman College, a Baptist college in Jefferson City, Tennessee, and as a minister in numerous Baptist churches throughout east Tennessee, has influenced literally tens of thousands of lives in a very positive way.

I want to take this opportunity to thank Dr. Hobbs for coming here today, for imparting to us his wisdom through this opening prayer, this prayer for this House of Representatives and for this Nation. I certainly want to thank Chaplain Coughlin and the gentleman from Illinois (Speaker HASTERT) for extending this invitation to him.

Opening Prayer Given by the Guest Chaplain:

Almighty God, we praise You that You chose to redeem us through Your act of love.

You have blessed us with the opportunity to help others even as we enjoy the blessings of this land.

You have given us intelligence to use the products of Your universe for the benefit of all mankind.

You have given us a spiritual dimension, challenging us to combine opportunity and intelligence to achieve the goals for which You created us.

Deliver us, O God, from the foolishness of spiritual arrogance, which overlooks opportunity, minimizes intelligence, and refuses the benefit of spiritual guidance.

Help us nationally to know that our best days are before us, that our past days can instruct us, and that we must use today to help us become laborers together with God.

In our Lord's name. Amen.

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