Reverend Walter R. Rossi
The Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception
Washington, DC
Date of Prayer: 09/28/2001
Opening Prayer Given by the Guest Chaplain:
God is our refuge and our strength, an ever present help in distress.
Lord, in times of trepidation, we look to You for comfort and strength.
Your consolation is known to us through the compassion and self–giving of our citizens. Your strength is realized in our Nation's spirit of unity and patriotism.
We turn to You in trust, for wisdom and guidance, a wisdom derived from reverence and esteem for Your word.
Preserve our Nation, a beacon of freedom and independence, a model of charity and forbearance.
Give this legislative body inspiration, certitude and right judgment. Direct our President and his administration with a spirit of prudence and fortitude.
May their actions be undertaken with zeal and tempered with concern.
Protect the men and women of our Nation's Armed Forces. May those who defend and preserve this great land of promise know the assurance of Your vigilant care.
Have compassion on us all, and show mercy in our limitations as we forever strive to ensure Your blessings of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for all peoples. Amen.
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