The Office of the Chaplain United States House of Representatives

Reverend Dr. David F. Russell

National Chaplain, American Legion
Spotsylvania, VA

Date of Prayer: 03/12/2002

Opening Prayer Given by the Guest Chaplain:

Our dear most gracious Heavenly Father, in whom we put our trust, we humbly thank You for this avenue of prayer in which we may come on behalf of this legislative body of government. We ask that You grant wisdom for all those who gather in this assembly that they, in turn, always act in the best interest of this Nation and its people whom they represent.

Give them a desire, Sir, to seek Your divine guidance and direction in all their deliberations. Reach deep into their innermost emotion and intellect to bring them together in unity and act as one. Enable them to set aside personal desires to see Your divine will and way for this great Nation.

May they, and we, always be mindful, the future of our Nation, our lives, our very being rests in Thy eternal hands.

Bring them together in a spirit of humility and love for Thee and these United States of America.

We pray these petitions in Jesus' name. Amen.

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