The Office of the Chaplain United States House of Representatives

Reverend Val J. Peter

Girls and Boys Town
Boys Town, NE

Sponsor: Rep. Rep. Lee Terry, (R-NE)
Date of Prayer: 05/22/2002

One Minute Speech Given in Recognition of the Guest Chaplain:

Mr. TERRY. Mr. Speaker, I have the honor of extending a warm welcome to Father Val J . Peter , our guest chaplain in the House of Representatives today. I also want to thank him for his thoughtful and inspiring prayer.

Father Peter is a native Nebraskan, a Diocesan priest within the Archdiocese of Omaha, and the executive director for Girls and Boys Town USA. He is also one of the foremost advocates for youth in the world and a true friend, effective educator, and caring, surrogate father to thousands of troubled youth and teenagers.

Father Peter oversees Boys Town programs stretching from coast to coast. Last year alone, Father Peter and the Boys Town staff helped brighten the future for more than 37,000 troubled, neglected, and abused children. Father Peter has earned the gratitude of thousands of children and families with his unconditional love, boundless optimism, and unwavering devotion to God.

Mr. Speaker, I know I speak for my colleagues when I say that we are pleased and honored to have Father Val Peter here with us today.

Opening Prayer Given by the Guest Chaplain:

Dear Lord, we come before You on this beautiful morning to ask Your blessing on the House this day. Give light, wisdom, and humility to all Representatives in their work today. May they seek what is best for our people. May they search for what will bring goodness to our world.

Let each this day do one blessed thing for another person. Let each this day ask pardon from another person.

Bless also all of those who are in the service of our beloved country. Keep them safe. Keep them faithful to You and their loved ones.

Finally, Lord, bless all of our children, especially those who are hurt and suffering. Send people to put joy and happiness into their hearts. We ask this in Your name. Amen.

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