The Office of the Chaplain United States House of Representatives

Reverend Dr. Ronald F. Christian

Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Herndon, VA

Date of Prayer: 05/06/2002

Opening Prayer Given by the Guest Chaplain:

Almighty God, the Psalmist reminds us all that the heavens proclaim Your glory and the firmament declares Your handiwork. We are reminded of that handiwork during these springtime days in the beauty and the colors of the blossoms which we cannot create but which we most certainly can enjoy.

Bless, O God, the work of the many hands across this mighty land that break up the winter soil and plant the seeds that will become, by Your grace and goodness, food for our tables and sustenance for our bodies.

Bless, O God, the work of those who teach and offer the opportunity of learning in classrooms and on practice fields of the schools and laboratories of this country so that children with inquisitive minds might be inspired by Your handiwork and so serve their neighbor better.

But also, God bless, we pray, those who gather here this day, who, sharp of mind and quick of wit, are given the privilege of both protecting that handiwork and assisting humanity in its many needs.

Remind us all again this day that it is by grace that we live, and so it is for mercy that we pray. Amen.

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