The Office of the Chaplain United States House of Representatives

Reverend Jerry Pruitt

Faith Builders International
Beloit, WI

Sponsor: Rep. Rep. Paul Ryan, (R-WI)
Date of Prayer: 09/26/2000

One Minute Speech Given in Recognition of the Guest Chaplain:

Mr. RYAN of Wisconsin. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to thank the Pastor, Jerry Pruitt , from the newly renamed Faith Builders International in Beloit, Wisconsin, formerly known as New Ark Christian.

Mr. Speaker, I have come to know Pastor Jerry Pruitt as a personal friend and a counselor, a man who has give guidance not only to myself, but to countless numbers of people throughout Northern Illinois and Southern Wisconsin.

Jerry Pruitt is a man who has built a church from the ground up, literally, to one where it is a beacon of hope, of religious pride, of Christian values, that is spreading throughout Southern Wisconsin, and now going international.

Mr. Speaker, it is a privilege to be here today to have Pastor Jerry Pruitt open today's proceedings with a prayer. We are very proud of him at home in Wisconsin. Now we are very proud of him here in the Nation.

Thank you very much, Mr. Speaker, for allowing the opportunity to have such a wonderful man, who has brought so much to so many people's lives, be with us

Opening Prayer Given by the Guest Chaplain:

Our Heavenly Father,

You alone rule in the hearts of men and women. It’s because of You that our great nation stands as a beacon of hope to the rest of the world.

We thank You God that You also rule in the affairs of young people.

We ask for Your presence to be here as this very important session of Congress opens today. We know that we need Your wisdom here today. These servants to the American people want to do what is right and just. We commit this time to You as they bring peace and justice to our country and the world. Thank you God for answering these requests. In Your name we pray,


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