The Office of the Chaplain United States House of Representatives

Reverend Dr. Clyde Mighells

Lighthouse Reformed Church
Howard, PA

Sponsor: Rep. Glenn Thompson, (R-PA)
Date of Prayer: 04/15/2010

One Minute Speech Given in Recognition of the Guest Chaplain:

Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania. Mr. Speaker, it has been a rare privilege this day to have the minister from my church, the Lighthouse Reformed Church in Howard, Pennsylvania, the Reverend Dr. Clyde Mighells, lead the prayer before the House of Representatives.

Dr. Mighells was born the son of a tent evangelist, and followed his father into the ministry when he was ordained by the Presbyterian Church, USA, in 1985. He then took his master's from Dubuque Theological Seminary and his doctorate at Newport University in 1996.

While performing the tasks of pastoral ministry, Dr. Mighells followed his father's example of using magic tricks as teaching tools. He found that magic tricks would pique the interest of his listeners and create a more receptive audience.

After 20 years serving churches across New York and Pennsylvania, in 2006 Dr. Mighells and his wife Sharon developed a performance ministry, taking the message of escaping drugs and the timely topic of anti–bullying into elementary, middle, and high schools. In 2009, they were featured at the International Fellowship of Christian Magicians.

We are lucky enough to have Pastor Mighells as our minister, and we don't mind sharing him with his continuing great ministry work in schools, churches, and with other groups.

Opening Prayer Given by the Guest Chaplain:

O Lord, who called this nation into being through the lives and sacrifice of those whose hearts were stayed upon you; be upon and within this congressional body as they conduct the work of this great nation.
Grant them courage to stand for what is right, resistance when pressed to do wrong, compassion for the concerns of your heart, and the ability to preserve and protect the constitution of these United States of America.
May the very mind of Christ be upon them as they labor to write the next chapter in the legacy of this great land; that their plans might be guided by the heritage upon which we stand, that their lives might reflect the calling to serve, and that this great nation might continue to embrace and support the work of freedom and democracy throughout the world.
It is in the blessed name of our Lord, Jesus Christ that we lay these requests at your feet.

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