The Office of the Chaplain United States House of Representatives

Reverend Robert Henderson

First Baptist Church
Lincoln, IL

Sponsor: Rep. Aaron Schock, (R-IL)
Date of Prayer: 06/30/2010

One Minute Speech Given in Recognition of the Guest Chaplain:

Mr. SCHOCK. It is my honor to welcome to the Chamber Pastor Henderson, who just gave us the opening prayer. Pastor Henderson contacted me when he was planning his family's trip to Washington, D.C. It had been a dream of his to be able to give the opening prayer, and I was pleased to be able to recommend him to the Speaker to have that privilege.

In addition to his pastoral duties at his home church, the First Baptist Church in Lincoln, Illinois, he is also a pastor for Memorial Medical Center, located in Springfield, Illinois. In addition to that, he's a public servant in his own right, being elected to his second term now for the West Lincoln–Broadwell School Board. He's in a whole host of organizations, constantly giving back to not only his family but his community, being a member of the Lincoln Area Musical Society orchestra and an officer of the Cub Scouts organization in his community.

He is joined here today with his wife and children, who are seated in the gallery: His wife, Melissa; his daughter, Burgundy; and his son, Joshua. We thank you and welcome you to the United States Capitol. We wish you and your family a good time as you learn more about our American history. Thank you for offering the prayer this morning.

Opening Prayer Given by the Guest Chaplain:

Our Father
Deliver us from shallow words and impure motivations as we pray to you this day. Forgive us for our arrogance, selfishness and greed.

This morning we ask for your blessing upon our nation. Restore our hope, strengthen our faith, and teach us your love. Enable us to be a nation that cares as we pursue peace, practice mercy and offer compassion.

We pray, O Lord that you would:
Establish the cause of the faithful, give comfort to those that suffer and set right the injustices within our nation and the world.

Protect those that defend our cherished freedoms as they serve within our military branches.

Give wisdom to our community leaders, our courts, and our national representatives.

Renew our commitment of service to the people of our nation and to the greater good of all humanity.

These things we pray in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

To learn more about Members who have sponsored a Guest Chaplain, please visit the Congressional Biographical Directory