The Office of the Chaplain United States House of Representatives

Chaplain James R. Fisher

United States Coast Guard
Washington , DC

Sponsor: Rep. David Phelps, (D-IL)
Date of Prayer: 04/05/2000

One Minute Speech Given in Recognition of the Guest Chaplain:

Mr. PHELPS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to give thanks and recognize Chaplain James R. Fisher of the United States Coast Guard, who has just delivered the opening prayer this morning in the United States House of Representatives.

I would first like to thank Chaplain Coughlin of the House for extending this prestigious invitation to Chaplain Fisher . Chaplain Fisher is a resident of Mt. Carmel, Illinois, which is in my district, and was the son of a United States Air Force career officer.

Chaplain Fisher received his bachelor's degree from Virginia Tech and went on to attend North Park Seminary in Chicago and Yale Divinity School in Connecticut for his religious education.

In 1983 he was ordained in the Evangelical Covenant Church in Chicago, Illinois. He also served as a missionary in the Yupik Eskimo Village of Mountain Village, Alaska.

Chaplain Fisher has a long and distinguished Naval career. He was commissioned in 1983 and has served on the U.S.S Suribachi and the U.S.S. Essex; been stationed at the Marine Corps base at Camp Pendleton of California; Naval Air Station in Sigonella, Sicily, in Italy; and is currently the deputy chaplain of the Coast Guard in Washington, DC.

Throughout his service in the Navy and Coast Guard, he has received many awards too numerous to mention in these remarks.

Chaplain Fisher's proudest accomplishment, though, has been his marriage to Lori Christian since 1977 and the three sons they share, Jacob, Caleb and Josiah.

Mr. Speaker, it has been my pleasure to introduce Chaplain Fisher , and I am very honored to do so.

Opening Prayer Given by the Guest Chaplain:

‘Oh beautiful for heroes proved, in liberating strife,

‘‘Who more than self their country loved, and mercy more than life!

‘‘America! America! May God thy gold refine,

‘‘Till all success be nobleness, and every gain divine!''

El–Shaddai, Almighty God of many heroes, present and past,

The manifestation of human strife may appear today in this sacred Hall. Challenges may be offered, retorts may be heard. For petty angers and egos, forgive, O Lord.

Cast upon each member of this noble assembly, each a hero of our homeland, the radiant countenance of Your Holy Face. Cause every member here to reflect anew upon their deep and abiding love for our Nation, and every inhabitant thereof.

May their unity and commitment become a source of inspiration for this divine dream we call America. Amen.

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