The Office of the Chaplain United States House of Representatives

Rabbi Israel Zoberman

Congregation Beth Chaverim
Virginia Beach, VA

Sponsor: Rep. Owen Pickett, (D-VA)
Date of Prayer: 05/03/2000

Opening Prayer Given by the Guest Chaplain:

Our God of freedom and responsibility, Dear Legislators, at this sacred season of both remembrance and rejoicing, haunted by the Holocaust's vast tragedy, while inspired by the miracle of Zion restored, I humbly yet proudly stand before you, son of Polish survivors who was born in Kazakhstan in 1945, lived in a displaced persons' camp in Germany and raised in Haifa, Israel.

May we be mindful of our divine mandate to build a world community reflecting the universal God of love who embraces us all with Shalom's holy gifts of healing, hope and harmony.

Grateful for our Nation's essential leadership and sacrifice with Your own invaluable input, and my Congressman OWEN PICKETT's distinguished service, may we ever, one family, strive to be a blessing.

Let us say, Amen.

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