The Office of the Chaplain United States House of Representatives

Reverend Christian R. Oravec

St. Francis College
Loretto, PA

Sponsor: Rep. Bud Shuster, (R-PA)
Date of Prayer: 06/14/2000

One Minute Speech Given in Recognition of the Guest Chaplain:

Mr. SHUSTER. Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to join with my good friend and colleague, the gentleman from Pennsylvania (Mr. MURTHA), in welcoming Father Christian Oravec . Father Christian is the President of St. Francis College, one of the oldest Catholic colleges in America, which sits atop the Allegheny Mountains in Central Pennsylvania. He is the longest serving president of that college in its history, since 1977.

In addition to doing a superb job in serving our region of the country, Father Christian is a leader in the community. Indeed, he is deeply involved in 16 different civic organizations. Beyond that, he is a beloved parish priest. It is my great pleasure to help welcome him here today.

Mr. MURTHA. Mr. Speaker, will the gentleman yield?

Mr. SHUSTER. I yield to the gentleman from Pennsylvania.

Mr. MURTHA. Mr. Speaker, let me add my welcome to Father Christian. My colleague and I share Father Christian. He is right on the border at one of the finest schools in Pennsylvania, and it is just marvelous to have him here.

His prayer was so good. He said the only problem is that they limited him to 125 words, and he can not say much in 125 words.

Opening Prayer Given by the Guest Chaplain:

Lord, bless the Members of this House, chosen representatives of our Nation. Give them the wisdom and understanding, courage and patience needed for true leadership. Bless all our citizens today in celebrating Flag Day. May our flag, which adorns this Chamber and waves throughout our country and the world, serve as a constant reminder of Your gifts of life and freedom, justice and peace.

May this symbol of glory, old and still to come, fill us with pride in our achievements and humble compassion for those who suffer in any way. When we see it standing as silent sentinel over the graves of our servicemen and women, here and abroad, help us also to value the price of honor and self–sacrifice.

Lord, thank You for all your gifts, now and forever. Amen.

To learn more about Members who have sponsored a Guest Chaplain, please visit the Congressional Biographical Directory