The Office of the Chaplain United States House of Representatives

Reverend Susan Kirlin-Hackett

Holy Cross Lutheran Church
Lake Stevens, WA

Date of Prayer: 08/16/2011

Opening Prayer Given by the Guest Chaplain:

Good and gracious God, You hear the cry that rises up from people of all nations calling for leaders whose decisions are tempered by compassion and mercy. We pray on this day for the men and women of the House of Representatives, that they might exercise their power and authority with kindness, and with regard for the poor within our country and beyond.

Holy God, You know the limits of human wisdom, our frailties, and selfishness. We pray that the women and men of this place would seek justice and enjoy friendships that provide sound counsel and encouragement.

Grant to all who serve in this House rest when weary, competence in their task, and a deep appreciation of the trust that has been given to them by citizens of this nation. May Your wisdom prevail and Your steadfast love be known.


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