The Office of the Chaplain United States House of Representatives

Reverend Avelino Gonzalez

St. Joseph's Catholic Church
Washington, DC

Date of Prayer: 10/24/2011

Opening Prayer Given by the Guest Chaplain:

Dear Lord, God of History, and our Father
You have anointed this great nation to be the promoter and defender of freedom, unity, justice, peace, and the common good. You inspired our founding fathers, at the inception of our Republic, to recognize that mankind is endowed with self–evident and unalienable rights which reflect our unique status of being created in your image and likeness.
We beseech you today, and ask you to pour out your Holy Spirit upon our Republic and on the members of this House of Representatives so that all the deliberations and decisions of this governing body may be in conformity with our great call to defend these transcendent rights, and thereby, help build a civilization of authentic love, justice, and peace.
We ask this in your Most Holy and Eternal name.

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