The Office of the Chaplain United States House of Representatives

Reverend Dr. Alan Keiran

Office of the Senate Chaplain
Washington, DC

Date of Prayer: 11/07/2011

Opening Prayer Given by the Guest Chaplain:

Let us pray:
Lord God Almighty, author of life and Creator of the universe, we come today seeking Your divine wisdom, peace and protection.
In these complex times, please grant our leaders the knowledge and insight needed to solve the economic and international challenges facing our nation and world. Anoint our leaders with Your Spirit and grant them Your favor.
As they labor for liberty, fill them with the peace that passes all understanding. May their bodies, minds and spirits continue to thrive as they make critical decisions about our country's future.
Father, we also pray for Your divine protection. We are not naive in thinking all will always be well. But in tough times we are assured that You, King of Heaven's armies, will be watching over us and guiding us.
Lord, be with those in harm's way and their families. We pray in the mighty way that is above all names.

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