Reverend Tom Ellsworth
Sherwood Oaks Christian Church
Bloomington, IN
Sponsor: Rep. Todd Young, (R-IN)
Date of Prayer: 05/16/2012
One Minute Speech Given in Recognition of the Guest Chaplain:
Opening Prayer Given by the Guest Chaplain:
Almighty God,
Mere words are inadequate to express our deep gratitude for the privilege of living in such a great land.
You have graciously guided this nation in the past; I pray that you will continue to bless in the days ahead.
For all who have served in the past and for all who currently serve within these hallowed walls, we give you our thanks. Bless them and their families.
I pray, Lord, that you will encourage them on the days when they are criticized more than cheered.
Give them strength under stress, peace under pressure and wisdom under the weight of the burdens they carry.
Fill them with your insight and divine perspective; give them good judgment in the decisions they make.
Guide their thoughts and intentions to reflect your timeless values.
And in the nation’s business of this day grant them success.
In Christ I pray – Amen
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