The Office of the Chaplain United States House of Representatives

Reverend Greg Lafferty

Willowdale Chapel
Kennett Square, PA

Sponsor: Rep. Joe Pitts, (R-PA)
Date of Prayer: 06/28/2012

One Minute Speech Given in Recognition of the Guest Chaplain:

Mr. PITTS. Mr. Speaker, it is an honor today to have Greg Lafferty, senior pastor of my home church, Willowdale Chapel, open us in prayer today.

Greg studied at Wheaton College and Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary. He was ordained at Saddleback Church in Mission Viejo, California, where he served as a teaching pastor under Rick Warren.

Under Greg, the church has grown dramatically. In his time as our pastor, he has made our church much more active in our community and engaged around the world. One example is the work with Hope International, touching lives in the Congo through microenterprise development. The efforts of the church have been multiplied and improved in many ways under Greg's leadership. He has helped our church show the love of Christ in our community in new ways and around the world.

Greg has been married to his wife, Deane, for 28 years. She joins us in the balcony. They have three children together: Kelsey, Krista, and Ryan.

It is a great honor to have Greg and Deane and have Greg open our Chamber today with the opening prayer .

Opening Prayer Given by the Guest Chaplain:

Lord God, we bless You this day for You are good. You make Your Sun rise on the evil and the good; You let Your rain fall on the just and the unjust.

You give all people everywhere life and breath and everything. Yet we recognize that in this great Nation, we are among the most blessed.

You've granted us freedom and abundance, safety and security, the rule of law, and neighborly love.

Guide us, Lord, that we may steward these good gifts for the benefit of all. And today, Lord, grant this House of Representatives the wisdom, humility, and diligence to govern well, that in some measure good might overcome evil, beauty might outshine ugliness, and love might undo hate. And in this, Lord, may You be honored and may our Nation dwell in deeper peace and safety.


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