The Office of the Chaplain United States House of Representatives

Reverend Dr. Andrew Chaney

First and Calvary Presbyterian Church
Springfield, MO

Sponsor: Rep. Billy Long, (R-MO)
Date of Prayer: 02/05/2014

One Minute Speech Given in Recognition of the Guest Chaplain:

The SPEAKER. Without objection, the gentleman from Missouri (Mr. Long) is recognized for 1 minute.

There was no objection.

Mr. LONG. Mr. Speaker, today I have the honor of introducing my friend, Reverend Dr. Andrew Chaney.

Reverend Chaney is a third–generation minister. He serves as the senior minister at the historic First and Calvary Presbyterian Church in Springfield, Missouri, a church that is a special place to me and my family. Reverend Chaney serves as an important spiritual voice for me and the Springfield community.

Congress has a longstanding tradition of beginning each session day with a prayer . I am privileged and honored to have the opportunity today to welcome Reverend Dr. Andrew Chaney to the people's House as he opened today's session with a prayer .

Opening Prayer Given by the Guest Chaplain:

Reverend Dr. Andrew Chaney, First and Calvary Presbyterian Church, Springfield, Missouri, offered the following prayer :

Almighty God, You equipped the Founders with great resilience as they sought Your wisdom in establishing our Nation. With that same power that inspired our patriots, bless these Members of Congress today. Lift them up, O God.

When they feel discouraged, when negative thoughts seem to dominate, when the winds are against them, strengthen their minds and spirits with an inner faith that only You can provide.

As we are now united in prayer , unite their efforts. Help them leave bitterness by the wayside. May their decisions consider the hopeful faces of parents, children, elderly, soldiers, veterans; that each person in every district will be blessed by the strong leadership of this Congress.

As many voices compete for their attention, create a sanctuary for them to pause, reflect, and hear Your voice. Equip them with a courage that constantly reminds them that ‘‘with God, all things are possible.''


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