The Office of the Chaplain United States House of Representatives

Reverend David F. Allen

Welcome Baptist Church
Beckley, WV

Sponsor: Rep. Rep. Nick Rahall, (D-WV)
Date of Prayer: 02/09/2005

One Minute Speech Given in Recognition of the Guest Chaplain:

Mr. RAHALL. Madam Speaker, it is indeed a high honor for me to rise today to introduce our guest chaplain, the Reverend David F. Allen , Pastor of the Welcome Baptist Church, located in my Third Congressional District in my hometown of Beckley, West Virginia.

Pastor Allen was born and raised in Greenstown, West Virginia, and is one of eight children raised by his mother, a single parent. He was educated in the Fayette County public school system and holds several teaching certificates and certifications through the National Baptist Convention.

Pastor Allen received his call to the preaching ministry at the age of 14, and since that time he has actively pursued his calling. He has been the Pastor of Welcome Baptist Church for the past 12 years.

Pastor Allen is the Vice Moderator and District Missionary of the Winding Gulf District Association. He has served as Supply Minister to many area churches and does extensive work in the evangelistic field.

Pastor Allen is also the founding Bishop of Tsidkenu Ministries, a State–chartered outreach ministry. In addition, Pastor Allen is the President of the Christian Ministers Alliance of Beckley, West Virginia, and vicinity.

He is married to Gloria J. Allen , who is with us today, and they are the proud parents of five children and grandparents to five grandchildren. Pastor Allen states that he is a God–called, spirit–filled preacher of God's Word.

Madam Speaker, again it is an honor for me to introduce and welcome to the U.S. House of Representatives the Reverend David F. Allen , Pastor of the Welcome Baptist Church in Beckley, West Virginia, to deliver our opening prayer. Thank you.

Opening Prayer Given by the Guest Chaplain:

Almighty God, creator of the universe and maker of this free and great nation in which we live, it is once again that a few of your humble servants have come before your throne in prayer. We come first of all to ask your divine forgiveness for all of our transgressions, and to thank you for how you have blessed and showed favor to the United States of America. Heavenly Father, we pray that you would forever keep us mindful of what the scripture says, "Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people." Great Jehovah we ask you to bless all of our leaders, and we ask special blessings upon this 109th Congress. Lord give them great wisdom to deal with hindsight, as well as a supernatural ability to deal with foresight. God lead us in the path that you would have us to go, and direct Congress in every decision that they must make. Father we will gladly give your name the praise, for being so good to us, hearing us, and granting our many petitions. In Jesus name we pray. Amen.

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