The Office of the Chaplain United States House of Representatives

Reverend Bruce Miroglio

St. Helena Catholic Church
St. Helena, CA

Sponsor: Rep. Mike Thompson, (D-CA)
Date of Prayer: 02/26/2015

One Minute Speech Given in Recognition of the Guest Chaplain:

Mr. THOMPSON of California. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to pay special recognition to our guest chaplain, Deacon Bruce Miroglio.

Deacon Miroglio serves in The St. Helena Catholic Church, my church in my hometown. It is where I was baptized, received my First Communion, was confirmed, and where Jan and I renewed our wedding vows.

I was born, grew up, and still live in our community, in the community that the deacon serves, so I know personally how deeply he cares for our community and how much he and our church have given back to our town.

Growing up, Bruce didn't know if he wanted to be a priest or a lawyer, so he took the sage advice of ‘‘when you have a choice between two great things, take them both.''

In both careers, he has embodied selflessness, compassion, and quiet generosity. He has guided people through challenging times, comforted them in times of grief, always pursued righteousness, and has never wavered in his devotion to bettering the lives of others.

St. Helena is blessed to have him today; and today, we, in the House, are equally as blessed.

Opening Prayer Given by the Guest Chaplain:

Good and gracious God, we ask Your blessing on this day You have provided for us.

As we confront all the challenges that arise from the human condition, we ask Your blessing to allow us to use our intellect and free will to guide our human affairs and to seek the blessings of freedom, personal development, and prosperity for the common good.

In Your goodness, bless the Members of our Nation's House of Representatives. May all their deliberations and discussions be inspired by the vision of Your loving kindness and saving grace.

May the work conducted here today bear rich fruit that nurtures all of the people of this Nation and their dreams for a better world and, thus, be for Your greater honor and glory.

All of this we ask in Your most holy name.


To learn more about Members who have sponsored a Guest Chaplain, please visit the Congressional Biographical Directory