The Office of the Chaplain United States House of Representatives

Reverend Scott Sina

St, John the Beloved Catholic Church
McLean, VA

Date of Prayer: 03/10/2015

Opening Prayer Given by the Guest Chaplain:

Reverend Scott Sina, St. John the Beloved Catholic Church, McLean, Virginia, offered the following prayer:

Loving and gracious God, we ask that You pour out Your blessings on our Nation this day.

May these men and women, who are called here today as Representatives of the people of this country, be given an inspired vision of the common good, and may they meet the challenges they face with resolve and righteousness.

May Your grace bestow upon the Members of this House a lively hope and the virtues of justice, wisdom, and compassion that they may be instruments of Your holy will in carrying out their noble vocation as public servants.

We pray that the work of this House will contribute to the flourishing of this Nation so that all peoples and families will be raised in dignity, encouraged in solidarity, and blessed with ordered liberty.

We ask this through Christ, our Lord, who reigns forever and ever.


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