The Office of the Chaplain United States House of Representatives

Reverend Dr. Jim Birchfield

First Presbyterian Church
Houston, TX

Sponsor: Rep. Joe Kennedy, (D-MA)
Date of Prayer: 04/28/2015

One Minute Speech Given in Recognition of the Guest Chaplain:

Mr. KENNEDY. Mr. Speaker, it is an honor for me to be here today to watch my father–in–law, the Reverend Dr. Jim Birchfield , speak in the House this afternoon.

Reverend Dr. Jim Birchfield is a man whom I have known over the past nearly decade that I have known my wife and her family. They are here with us in the gallery this afternoon. He is a man of utmost integrity who has devoted his life to, as he said, serving those among us that are most in need.

Through his ministry at First Presbyterian Church and, prior to that, in Newport Beach, California, and the Greater Los Angeles area, he and his family have consistently dedicated themselves to spreading the Word of God and making sure that we, as a community and a country, remain focused on those who need our help most.

He has spread that Word throughout the entire world, from Sub–Saharan Africa, Egypt, and Malawi, to recent trips to Israel, and literally the world over, as he continues to expand his ministry and touch those who are in need of additional services.

Mr. Speaker, I am grateful today to be with my father–in–law, Reverend Dr. Birchfield , and to have this moment to share with him and his family this morning.

Opening Prayer Given by the Guest Chaplain:

Eternal God, we give You thanks for the gift of this new day and for the promise that You are with us. Thank You for Your grace, Your love, and the many blessings that are ours through You.

Forgive us for falling short of Your grace and Your call upon our lives, and help us to walk humbly, serve graciously, and lead righteously.

Guide this body today in the work that You have called them to. Grant strength, wisdom, courage, and compassion to the leadership and to each Member of this House, the Senate, our President, and all the leaders of our government.

Finally, we pray for our Nation. Grant us peace and unity. Call out the best in us, and help us to care for and serve the least of those among us.

Bless these leaders, that they might be a blessing to the world.

To Your glory, Amen.

To learn more about Members who have sponsored a Guest Chaplain, please visit the Congressional Biographical Directory