The Office of the Chaplain United States House of Representatives

Reverend Kent Clark

Grace Gospel Fellowship
Pontiac, MI

Sponsor: Rep. Mike Bishop, (R-MI)
Date of Prayer: 06/09/2016

One Minute Speech Given in Recognition of the Guest Chaplain:

Mr. BISHOP of Michigan. Mr. Speaker, I rise––very proudly so––to pay tribute to an inspiring man, and I am proud to call him a mentor and a friend, Pastor Kent Clark .

Pastor Clark is the senior pastor of Grace Gospel Fellowship Church in Pontiac, Michigan, and he is the chief executive officer of Grace Centers of Hope. Grace Centers of Hope is one of Michigan's leading faith–based organizations that provides care for the homeless and for individuals who are fighting addiction.

Grace Centers of Hope provides comprehensive programs for men, women, and children, including group and individual counseling, GED classes and testing, financial education, addiction and abuse classes, and child care. It also has a self–funded homeownership program and offers graduates of its program the opportunity to own their own homes. It does all of this without accepting government funding.

Pastor Clark , truly, has a servant's heart, and he and his wife, Dr. Pam Clark , and their family have dedicated their lives to helping those in need––with unparalleled commitment and devotion.

Pastor Clark is a husband, a father, a grandfather, and a renowned author. He was also named ‘‘Michiganian of the Year'' by the Detroit News in 2012.

Mr. Speaker, I am honored to welcome my friend, Pastor Kent Clark , to the United States House of Representatives as our guest chaplain today. I would like to personally recognize and thank him for his tireless efforts and unwavering dedication to our community.

Opening Prayer Given by the Guest Chaplain:

Reverend Kent Clark, Grace Gospel Fellowship, Pontiac, Michigan, offered the following prayer :

Our God, our Father, we call upon Your name––a name at which every knee shall bow. Your name is Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father. You are the Prince of Peace, the Rose of Sharon, the Lily of the Valley, and the bright Morning Star. You are the fairest of 10,000.

You are the great creator God, alpha and omega, beginning and end, first and last. Your name is Redeemer and the Lord, the Way, the Truth and Life, Bread of Life, and Author and Finisher of our faith.

We know no greater judgment could befall a nation than for it to be deserted by God, left to be the play thing of malignant forces.

Speak to us, O great Jehovah.

We know a sparrow does not fall without Your notice, and we know that a nation cannot rise without Your aid.

In the name of Joshua, Jesus saves, Immanuel––God with us.


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