The Office of the Chaplain United States House of Representatives

Doctor Tom Smiley

Lakewood Baptist Church
Gainesville, GA

Sponsor: Rep. Doug Collins, (R-GA)
Date of Prayer: 03/22/2017

One Minute Speech Given in Recognition of the Guest Chaplain:

Mr. COLLINS of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to recognize Dr. Tom Smiley, whose compassion and character have made him a true leader in Gainesville and northeast Georgia.

Dr. Smiley grew up in Gumbranch, Georgia, where he received his call to preach. After graduating from Blue Mountain College in Mississippi, Pastor Tom attended Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary and Columbia Theological Seminary, where he obtained his doctorate in ministry, with an emphasis on marriage and family ministry.

As senior pastor of Lakewood Baptist Church, Dr. Smiley has led the
congregation––including my own family––for over 25 years. The vision for Lakewood is to be a regional church that raises up fully devoted
followers of Christ who are trained and equipped to love and reach lost
people, locally and globally.

In addition to his work at church, Pastor Tom has established himself
as a successful writer, authoring three books: "Runaway Lives", "Angels All Around", and "Uncommon Common Sense".

Dr. Smiley is engaged with the Gainesville community at every level, and our neighbors have enjoyed his contributions as a Little League baseball and basketball coach, as well as the work that he does at the community YMCA branch.

Dr. Smiley is my pastor and friend, and in every aspect of his life, he leads with grace and devotion. I am proud to welcome him here to our
Nation's Capitol in Washington, D.C.

Opening Prayer Given by the Guest Chaplain:

In the name that is above every name, in the name of the One by whom all things were created and by whom all things created are sustained, in the name of the One who was crucified for the sins of all people, raised on the third day, and who, upon His return, every knee will bow and every tongue confess is Lord, in the name of Jesus, my Savior and my Lord, today, I ask:

Draw near unto thyself the heart of any in this body who still remain far from You.

Give confidence and courage to all who govern from this House, to be unashamed of the Judeo–Christian ethic, which has led this Nation to prominence and prosperity above all other nations.

And Father, remind all, who by faith trust You that Your love wants what is best for us, Your wisdom knows what is best for us, and Your power will accomplish what is best for us.

In Jesus' name and God's people. Amen.

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