The Office of the Chaplain United States House of Representatives

Reverend Dr. Scott Wilson

Capitol Hill Presbyterian Church
Washington, DC

Date of Prayer: 05/11/2017

Opening Prayer Given by the Guest Chaplain:

Gracious and loving God, send Your spirit once again to these Halls of power, where so many have come to participate in the difficult but glorious process of governing by consent of the people. Be especially with those blessed with this awesome authority, that they may wield it with humility and grace.

Amid the many voices of our world and our culture, may we strain to hear clearly a word from You, the One who desires justice and mercy. And may we also be attuned to listen to one another, to hear each other with wisdom and understanding.

To that end, Lord, be with those who are in their home districts, and grant them peace as they dialogue with their neighbors, whether they be
friend or foe. Help us to be strengthened by the good we see in others.

Help us seek a way that is pleasing to You. Amen.

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