The Office of the Chaplain United States House of Representatives

Rabbi Arnold E. Resnicoff

Retired Chaplain, U.S. Navy
Washington, DC

Date of Prayer: 09/01/2017

Opening Prayer Given by the Guest Chaplain:

God, author of liberty, we pray, reflect, meditate in different ways, but sing "My Country, 'Tis of Thee," for unalienable rights, our Nation's backbone, come from You.

Life, liberty, pursuit of happiness––pursuing justice too––doors opened; walls and ceilings shattered; freedom shining through.

Today, in 1939, Hitler invades Poland. War spreads: liberty, life denied beyond a chosen few.

Humanity itself rejected with the Nazi stamp: "life––unworthy of life."

We fought, died for freedom's cause.

Lincoln taught: remember those who fought, gave their all, by continuing their unfinished work with increased devotion to their cause. Then they don't die in vain.

Neo–Nazis, racists, bigots, would quench the flame of freedom's holy light.

We pray for, rescue Harvey's victims, but hatred's storm clouds gather, threaten all.

Help us reaffirm our vision––brighter, more inclusive than before: every human life created equal, holy, none less human than our own.

And may we say, amen.

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