The Office of the Chaplain United States House of Representatives

Right Reverend Bishop Irinej Dobrijevic

Serbian Orthodox Diocese of Eastern America
New Rochelle, NY

Sponsor: Rep. Ted Poe, (R-TX)
Date of Prayer: 07/25/2018

One Minute Speech Given in Recognition of the Guest Chaplain:

Mr. POE of Texas. Mr. Speaker, I want to express my appreciation to Bishop Irinej of the Serbian Orthodox Church for coming to lead the
opening prayer on this special day.

Mr. Speaker, 100 years ago, July 28, President Wilson declared a national day of prayer for the Serbian people and their fight during
World War I.

Bishop Irinej has a long career of service, both to God and the church, as well as the Serbian American community. His work has taken him around the world. Formerly, he was a bishop of Australia and New Zealand, and before that, he spent years serving the church in Serbia.

For most of his career, he has been a dedicated educator, teaching at
Loyola University in Chicago and as a member of the orthodox church's
theological faculty in Belgrade.

Perhaps most notably today is his work to improve the ties between
the Serbian diaspora and the Serbian state.

Bishop Irinej plays an important role in bringing us all together
with God's love. It was my honor to invite him to share his faith with
us today.

Thank you, Bishop Irinej, for that prayer, and may God bless Serbia
and the United States of America.

And that is just the way it is.

Opening Prayer Given by the Guest Chaplain:

Lord God Almighty, God of justice, we offer You our sincere thanksgiving and heartfelt prayer for and with those whom You have graciously vested in governance of these United States of America.

Enable the Members of the House of Representatives, elected by the people and for the people, to present equitably the diverse interests of our citizens and those from the expanse of the world who reside, labor, and study here.

Guide those who deliberate and legislate on our collective behalf in the spirit of unity, openness, and understanding. Allow their hearts ever to be open to the resounding cry of those who earnestly pledge indivisible liberty and justice for all.

May they be enlightened by Your precepts and motivated in their altruistic service to our Nation and its people. Bless and preserve them and us, Lord. This we pray in Christ Jesus, through the Holy Spirit. Amen.

To learn more about Members who have sponsored a Guest Chaplain, please visit the Congressional Biographical Directory