The Office of the Chaplain United States House of Representatives

Reverend Alisa Lasater Wailoo

Capitol Hill United Methodist Church
Washington, DC

Date of Prayer: 08/10/2018

Opening Prayer Given by the Guest Chaplain:

Let us join with the Psalm writer who prays, "Out of the depths I cry to You, O Lord."

Lord, we cry out to You today from the depths of our blessings. We thank You for this great land, the leaders of this Chamber, their tireless staffs, and the gorgeous array of people that make up America.

Lord, we cry out today aware of fires raging around our Nation. We pray for the people of California and the courageous firefighters. Rain down Your mercy and fan in us a passion to care for the land and all who live upon it.

Lord, we also cry out to You from the depths of the pain and division in our country. Free us from our own biases and extinguish any hate so Your bridge–building love can blaze brightly in us.

Finally, Lord, we cry out for all who are home in their districts this month. Refresh their passion to serve, and help them, like Moses, see the burning bushes in their midst, places where You call us to hear the suffering of Your people and respond with life–changing leadership.

May it be so for each of us. Amen.

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