The Office of the Chaplain United States House of Representatives

Reverend Alexander Breckinridge IV

St Thomas Episcopal Church
Medina, WA

Sponsor: Rep. Suzann DelBene, (D-WA)
Date of Prayer: 09/06/2018

One Minute Speech Given in Recognition of the Guest Chaplain:

Ms. DelBENE. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to recognize the Reverend
Alexander, or Lex, Breckinridge, and to thank him for offering this morning's prayer. Father Lex serves as the rector of St. Thomas
Episcopal Church in my hometown of Medina, Washington.

He always felt the call to ordained ministry in the church, but it took him awhile getting there. He was born in West Virginia. He went on to school in New Hampshire and North Carolina, and practiced law in New Orleans before attending a seminary in Austin, Texas. After serving the
church in Austin, he found his way to the great Northwest and to our community.

Reverend Breckinridge is joined today by his wife, Zonnie. They have
three children and have enriched the Medina community for 9 years. We value his service and appreciate his leadership and guidance that continues to impact so many lives. We appreciate him flying across the country to be with us today.

Opening Prayer Given by the Guest Chaplain:

God of love and mercy, the fountain of all wisdom, whose will is gracious and whose law is truth, fill the people of this Nation with a zeal for justice and hearts for mercy that we might each walk humbly before You all the days of our lives.

In times of prosperity, may we be filled with gratitude and thanksgiving, and in the day of trouble, let not our trust in You fail.

Grant that the Members of this House assembled may be guided by Your will to enact only such laws as are pleasing in Your sight to the glory of Your name and the well–being of our Nation and all the world; and let our words spoken here be charitable and patient and kind, that they may be a reflection of Your tender love for all Your people.

All these things we pray in Your most holy name. Amen.

To learn more about Members who have sponsored a Guest Chaplain, please visit the Congressional Biographical Directory