The Office of the Chaplain United States House of Representatives

Chaplain David L. Mansberger

U.S. Air Force, Arlington National Cemetery
Arlington, VA

Date of Prayer: 11/06/2018

Opening Prayer Given by the Guest Chaplain:

Lord God, over the years we have humbly asked Your spirit to guide the people of America as they exercise their dearly bought right to vote and allow their voice to be heard to follow Your will. May this day, that right, not be ignored or undertaken lightly.

As citizens all over this land go to the ballot boxes, give to all of us the sense of high privilege and joyous responsibility. Help those
who will be elected to public office to understand the real source of their mandate, a mandate given by no party, received at no place of voting, but given by Your grace; a mandate to govern wisely and well; a mandate to represent God and truth at the heart of the Nation; a mandate to do good in the name of Him under whom this republic was

We humbly ask You, Lord our God, to lead America in the paths where Your spirit would have our Nation walk to do the tasks which You have set before the United States so may we together seek happiness for all our citizens in Your holy name, You who create us all equal in your sight, and therefore, brothers and sisters.

In Your holy and matchless name I pray. Amen.

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