The Office of the Chaplain United States House of Representatives

Reverend David Kassos

First United Methodist Church
Prescott, AZ

Sponsor: Rep. Mike Ross, (D-AL)
Date of Prayer: 10/06/2005

One Minute Speech Given in Recognition of the Guest Chaplain:

Mr. ROSS. Mr. Speaker, it is with great pride that I welcome my hometown pastor from the First United Methodist Church in Prescott, Arkansas to the United States House of Representatives, the Reverend David Kassos , and his wife, Donna.

Each and every week I travel to our Nation's capital to represent the people of Arkansas's Fourth Congressional District and this great country. Each and every weekend I travel home to Prescott, a small town of about 3,600 people, and worship with my family at the Methodist church I have called home for much of my life.

It is this church, where my father grew up and where my children are being raised, that keeps me grounded and instills in me the small town values I was raised on and still believe in. It is the lessons that I learn from this church that help guide me in the decisions I make in the United States Congress. My faith is profoundly important to me, and Reverend Kassos is not only my spiritual advisor, he is my friend and he is my fishing buddy. It is a tremendous honor to have him serve as our chaplain today in the United States House of Representatives.

Opening Prayer Given by the Guest Chaplain:

Heavenly Creator, we thank thee for the grace you provide us this day.

Give us your wisdom so our minds will reflect your thoughts.

Give us your righteousness so our motivations will reflect your heart.

Empower us so our actions will reflect your will on earth.

Give a special blessing to our families whose love and support strengthen us to faithfully represent our people.


To learn more about Members who have sponsored a Guest Chaplain, please visit the Congressional Biographical Directory