Reverend Dr. Darryl D. Roberts
19th St. Baptist Church
Washington, DC
Date of Prayer: 04/09/2019
Opening Prayer Given by the Guest Chaplain:
O God, our redeemer, we give You the highest praise.
Saturate our hearts in Your love so that our will may be lost in Your perfect plan for creation.
We thank You for the Members of the people's House, who believe, in the words of Thomas Jefferson, "that every human mind feels pleasure in doing good to another."
May You endow each elected official and staff with abundant grace, wisdom, and compassion to stand for the public interest over personal interest, people over politics, love over hatred, truth over falsehood, and courage over fear.
May Your spirit breathe on this session, bring synergy in the midst of diversity, and promote unity for the benefit of the common good until we reach that glorious daybreak when justice shall roll down like water and righteousness like an ever–flowing stream. Amen.
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