The Office of the Chaplain United States House of Representatives

Chaplain (Capt.) Daniel L. Mode

U.S. Navy
Washington, DC

Date of Prayer: 04/15/2019

Opening Prayer Given by the Guest Chaplain:

Eternal Father, in recent weeks, You have beautifully reminded us of Your sovereignty. You indeed are Lord of creation, as You have allowed
the gift of spring to bloom throughout our country, and especially in our Capital City of Washington, where the cherry blossom trees seem to
take center stage.

Thus, as we begin these deliberations, we ask Your blessing that Your holy hand may enlighten and firmly guide us as we seek to preserve and promote the dignity and life of all of our people.

May this body of legislators always recognize it is their sworn vocation to assist You in administering Your benevolence, that an atmosphere of true peace and liberty may prevail in our country and throughout the world.

We ask this grace, as we do all favors, in Your most holy and loving name. Amen.

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