Reverend Dr. Dan C. Cummins
Capitol Worship
Washington, DC
Date of Prayer: 11/01/2019
Opening Prayer Given by the Guest Chaplain:
We bow before You, O Sovereign Magistrate, in the solemn gaze of Moses, Your emissary and lawgiver of truth revealed, considering with all gravity the eternal consequences our actions create whenever we judge our fellow man, knowing we shall all stand before the judgment seat of Christ and give an account to Him of every pejorative word
For with what measure we judge, from such measure we shall receive our deserved judgment.
So may we first carefully examine our own eye, asking Your Holy Spirit to reveal and remove any beams that have blemished our veracity.
May You be judge, O God, and plead our cause against the ungodly, for we have all sinned.
Deliver us from deceitful and unjust men, for there is nothing hidden that shall not be revealed. Mendacities spoken in darkness shall be
shouted from the housetops.
For Your mercy and grace we plead, Lord Jesus. Amen.
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