The Office of the Chaplain United States House of Representatives

Reverend Dr. Dan C. Cummins

Capitol Worship
Washington, DC

Date of Prayer: 03/27/2020

Opening Prayer Given by the Guest Chaplain:

Heavenly Father, this morning we pause to remember Your humble servant, 91–year–old Holocaust survivor Rabbi Romi Cohn, who lost his life this week and who just 2 months ago, at this very dais, as a guest chaplain, marked the 75th anniversary of his Auschwitz liberation. May his memory be a blessing.

Lord, where can we run to hide from an enemy we cannot see?

On 9/11, we saw its hand: the planes crashing the towers, the clouds of dust covering its victims, no tests needed.

Those fortunate could flee, but not now, not today. So are we all, as it might seem, trapped above the 93rd floor? No, we have a place to

So let our hearts be comforted from the words of David's psalm. We have a place to run, to that rock that is higher than us all, a tabernacle from the storm, our Jehovah Shalom, our Jehovah Jireh, an everlasting tower and a strength from our enemies.

We have a rock. He is our God, a place to hide.

These things I pray in Jesus' name. Amen.

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