The Office of the Chaplain United States House of Representatives

Chaplain Major Troy S. Bates

U.S. Military Academy
West Point, NY

Sponsor: Rep. Keith Self, (R-TX)
Date of Prayer: 09/14/2023

One Minute Speech Given in Recognition of the Guest Chaplain:

Mr. Speaker, I rise today to welcome Chaplain Major Troy Bates to the U.S. House of Representatives.

He currently serves as the garrison family life chaplain at West Point. He was direct commissioned into the Army Chaplain Corps in August of 2009 as a reserve chaplain for the 478th Civil Affairs Battalion.

Chaplain Bates has provided spiritual support for our troops in harm's way in six combat deployments. He first deployed as the battalion chaplain from the 25th Infantry Division to Afghanistan. He then became a member of the 10th Special Forces Group, my old group. Chaplain Bates deployed twice to Afghanistan with the Special Forces Group and once to Africa. He then joined the XVIII Airborne Corps and deployed again to Iraq, and then became a JSOC chaplain and deployed to a classified location.

He has had an extensive education, including attending many military schools, and winning numerous awards, leading off with the Bronze Star.

Especially interesting and meaningful to me, he has the U.S., British, Canadian, Italian, and German Jump Wings, as well as the Combat Action Badge.

His education includes an associate of arts from the Pacific Coast Baptist Bible College, a bachelor of science from Baptist Bible College, a master of arts from Liberty University, a master of divinity in religion from Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary, and a master of arts in counseling from Webster University.

He is joined by his wife today, Duchess. They have five children, three of whom serve in the military today. I thank Chaplain Major Troy Bates for not only his service but his legacy and his family.

Opening Prayer Given by the Guest Chaplain:

Almighty God, commander of the hosts of Heaven, humbly hear and grant our prayer today.

We pause today, before conducting the people's business, asking for wisdom and courage. Wisdom to know the right way to lead and the courage to lead the right way.

The 9/11 anniversary reminds us our freedoms come with a cost. So I am thankful for those who pay that cost, for men like Staff Sergeant Patrick Quinn, who sacrificed his life in Afghanistan, as well as Captain Doug Frazier, class of 1975, who selflessly served humanity his entire long life. People like these represent our why.

God, You have shown us what you require: to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with You.

May we seek justice for all by living justly before all. May we proclaim mercy by being merciful, and may we walk humbly before You by living in humility before others. We pray this in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

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