The Office of the Chaplain United States House of Representatives

Rabbi Shea Harlig

Chabad of Southern Nevada
Las Vegas, NV

Sponsor: Rep. Shelley Berkley, (D-NV)
Date of Prayer: 03/15/2007

One Minute Speech Given in Recognition of the Guest Chaplain:

(Ms. BERKLEY asked and was given permission to address the House for 1 minute and to revise and extend her remarks.)

Ms. BERKLEY. It gives me great pleasure to introduce a spiritual leader in Las Vegas, Nevada. Rabbi Shea Harlig was ordained in March of 1988 from the Central Chabad Yeshiva in Brooklyn, New York, and since December of 1990 serves as the spiritual leader of Congregation Chabad in Las Vegas, Nevada.

He is the founder and regional director of Chabad of Southern Nevada, a major Jewish outreach organization in Las Vegas with five locations. Its programs include daily services, nightly adult education classes, Hebrew school and day camps, chaplain at the State and county prisons, bimonthly column for the Las Vegas Israelite, crisis counseling and financial assistance to members of the community. Rabbi Harlig is the kosher supervisor of five local kosher restaurants, markets and catering facilities. He is also the founder and dean of the Desert Torah Academy Day School, which has an enrollment of 175 children, preschool through eighth grade.

On a personal note, I have known the Rabbi since he came to Las Vegas. He has made an extraordinary contribution to the spiritual life of Las Vegas, Nevada. His impact is felt throughout the community. I am absolutely delighted to welcome him to our Nation's capital, Washington, D.C.

Opening Prayer Given by the Guest Chaplain:

Almighty God, the members of this prestigious body, the U.S. Congress, convene here to fulfill one of the seven Noahide commandments:
the commandment to govern by just laws which are based in the recognition of You, God, as the Sovereign Ruler of all people and nations.

We, the citizens of this blessed country proudly proclaim this recognition and our commitment to justice in our Pledge of Allegiance "One Nation, Under God, with Liberty and Justice for All."

Grant us, Almighty God, that those assembled here be aware of Your presence and conduct their deliberations accordingly. Bless them with good health, wisdom, compassion, and good fellowship.

On the eve of Passover, the Festival of Freedom, I beseech you Almighty God to bless and protect our troops and our entire nation whom our esteemed spiritual leader, The Lubavitcher Rebbe labeled "A Nation of Kindness" with freedom from terrorism. Indeed "God Bless America."

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