The Office of the Chaplain United States House of Representatives

Reverend Roy Smith

Arkansas Conference of the United Methodist Church
Little Rock, AR

Sponsor: Rep. Mike Ross, (D-AR)
Date of Prayer: 03/27/2007

One Minute Speech Given in Recognition of the Guest Chaplain:

(Mr. ROSS asked and was given permission to address the House for 1 minute.)

Mr. ROSS. Madam Speaker, I rise today to recognize Reverend Roy P. Smith of Little Rock, Arkansas. I first met Roy in 1992 when he moved to my hometown of Prescott, Arkansas, to lead the church that my family and I belong to, the First United Methodist Church of Prescott. During his 3 years in my hometown, Roy was my pastor, my spiritual adviser, and a leader in our community. By the time Roy , along with his wife Sandy, daughter Martha Helen and son Andrew left Prescott to move on to their next assignment up the road in Malvern, Arkansas, Roy had become one of my closest and most trusted personal friends.

My family and the Smith family will be forever linked together by a strong and lasting bond of friendship, and it is a distinct pleasure to have Reverend Roy Smith here today to open this legislative day in the United States House of Representatives with his thoughtful and meaningful words of prayer. As we go about doing the work of the people, may we remember the prayer Reverend Roy Smith delivered on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives this day.

Opening Prayer Given by the Guest Chaplain:

Our holy and gracious God, we are grateful to be here today. These Representatives have been entrusted by the citizens of the country to govern our nation. In the midst of a world of rapid change, challenge, diversity and need, this is a solemn and daunting task. It is an extraordinary responsibility and challenge which calls for courage and conviction, integrity and honor, understanding and compassion, intelligence and commitment.

As these Members of Congress gather today to do the important work before them, O God, in your grace, draw near. Send us your compassion, your courage, your wisdom, your strength, and your understanding. May the will and work of this House be carried out so the people of this land may live in freedom and hope and share in your bountiful blessings. May our nation be a beacon of freedom and hope in the world today.

We pray in your holy name.


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