The Office of the Chaplain United States House of Representatives

Rear Admiral Gregory Todd

Chief of Chaplains, United States Navy
Washington, DC

Date of Prayer: 12/16/2024

One Minute Speech Given in Recognition of the Guest Chaplain:

Opening Prayer Given by the Guest Chaplain:

Eternal Father, ruler of wind and wave, You establish the heavens and order all of creation. Behold Your humble people, seeking only to serve and not to be served. Grant all who labor in this House a heart of humble service.

While the U.S. Navy Chaplain Corps celebrates 249 years of a sacred mission of caring for the souls of sailors, marines, coastguardsmen, and their families, we are recently reminded of the relevance of our mission as U.S. sailors in the Red Sea have faced the enemy in combat, wielding the sword for our Nation and facing their own mortality. Grant Your divine protection to all of our ships at sea and all who labor to defend our Nation. Keep their families in Your care while they are deployed, and grant them a joyful, joyful reunion.

Lord, as Navy chaplains seek to care for our flock, by Your mercy, send us more chaplains to fill our ranks. The need is great, but the laborers are few. Grant us more Navy chaplains to care for our Nation's greatest treasure: our sons and daughters.

Into Your divine hands we commit our prayer, trusting in Your divine mercy. Amen.

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