The Office of the Chaplain United States House of Representatives

Reverend Dr. Alan N. Keiran

Senate Chaplain's Office
Washington, District Of Columbia

Date of Prayer: 05/14/2007

Opening Prayer Given by the Guest Chaplain:

Lord God Almighty the heavens declare Your handiwork and the majestic beauty of our world shows forth the splendor of Your creation.

We thank You for the unmerited favor You shower upon us each day. We thank You for family, friends, faith and freedom. Most of all we thank you for the sacrifice You made to bring us into your family and give us eternal life.

O God, I pray today for our Nation's Representatives, their families, and staffs. Grant them Your favor and wisdom as they pursue righteous ends and seek our Nation's highest good. Continue to equip them for these challenging times. Give them courageous spirits and eternal insights needed in their service to a grateful Nation.

We lift to You our Nation's law enforcement officers and their families and we thank you for their tireless service. Bless as well our own Capitol Hill Police Department with Your divine blessing and protection.

You alone, O God, are our rock and our redeemer. May You in Your loving providence move in our midst to make Yourself known. I ask all this in the name that is above every name.


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