The Office of the Chaplain United States House of Representatives

Reverend Hank Wilkins, IV

St. James United Methodist Church
Pine Bluff, AR

Sponsor: Rep. Mike Ross, (D-AR)
Date of Prayer: 05/14/2008

One Minute Speech Given in Recognition of the Guest Chaplain:

The SPEAKER. Without objection, the gentleman from Arkansas (Mr. Ross) is recognized for 1 minute.

There was no objection.

Mr. ROSS. Madam Speaker, today, I rise to recognize my dear friend, Rev. Dr. and State Senator Hank Wilkins IV, of Pine Bluff, Arkansas, who just delivered our opening prayer and is our guest chaplain of the day.

Rev. Dr. Wilkins' deep faith and dedication to his community and State is an inspiration to all of us who know him.

Throughout his 31 years in the ministry, Rev. Dr. Wilkins has emphasized the need for faith in our daily lives.

I'm proud to have had the distinct honor to serve with Hank in the Arkansas State legislature. As both senior pastor of St. James United Methodist Church and as an Arkansas State Senator, Reverend Wilkins puts the people he represents first and is a true ambassador for Arkansas.

It's been a blessing for me to know Hank and his wife, Phyllis, and their family, and I hope that this message of compassion, this prayer of compassion and respect for others will be one that we all strive to achieve.

As we go about doing the work of the people, let us remember the prayer Rev. Dr. State Senator Hank Wilkins delivered on the floor of the United States House of Representatives on this day.

Opening Prayer Given by the Guest Chaplain:

Almighty God of love and mercy, God of power and God of might; today we pray the understanding to always seek your wisdom and justice. It is through your authority righteously administered, that our leaders are enabled to govern this nation with laws enacted for our betterment.

So we pray for your spirit, that they might be properly guided by your divine charity and an unassuming faithfulness.

Give both counsel and courage to the leaders of this great body and its members, as well as other government leaders of these United States of America.

May they always seek your purpose and the well–being of this great people. Grant now your unfathomable protection, that they lead our country with the honesty of providence and the integrity of high ideals. We ask all this through Christ our Lord.


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