The Office of the Chaplain United States House of Representatives

Reverend John Boyles

National Capital Presbytery
Washington DC, DC

Date of Prayer: 06/04/2004

Opening Prayer Given by the Guest Chaplain:

The Reverend John Boyles, President, Faith Prepared Network, National Capital Presbytery, Washington, D.C., offered the following prayer:

O Lord God, we come before You now to ask that You would bless and sanctify the service of this body on this day.

O Lord, bring both wisdom and knowledge to bear upon this Chamber's governance, that its rules of law, its business, done by and for this Nation's people, through those representing them here today, might in turn be an inspiration and example to those of other lands, who can now, in new time of liberation, begin to act together on a new path of freedom. May what is done here today in this body be a model for all of righteous governance.

May this Chamber and its offices, its Members and staffs, have Your strengthening, O God, for their work and draw upon Your guidance for their planning, Your vision for their path, Your compassion for their service to the people of our Nation. Amen.

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